Largest social security fraud on rhe inoted states history
Largest social security fraud on rhe inoted states history

For more information, read the Phone privacy article. This notice does not apply to data that is not personal, like anonymous, de-identified, or aggregated data (for example, summary statistics), even if it comes from personal data.Ĭustomer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI)ĬPNI is generated by your use of our wireless voice communications services.

largest social security fraud on rhe inoted states history

To see the whole list, visit our Privacy Notices. If this notice conflicts with a privacy notice for a specific product or service, the product or service notice applies. Some products and services have their own privacy notice. This notice applies to all personal data we collect and use when you access or use our cell and data services, websites, apps, and other services (our “services”), purchase and use our devices and products (“products”), visit our retail stores, or communicate or interact with us in any way, including mail, email, phone, chat, social media, or in-person. It includes data like your name, address, or email address, as well as less obvious data like demographic data, device and usage data, call records, advertising ID, and location data. This notice applies to personal data we have about you that identifies, relates to, describes, can be associated with, or could reasonably identify you as an individual. It also provides you with important information about your personal data choices. This privacy notice (“notice") explains how T-Mobile and our subsidiaries and representatives (" T-Mobile", “we”, or “us”) collect, use, share, and protect your personal data.

Largest social security fraud on rhe inoted states history